Sunday, 17 April 2011

For those of you who dont already know, I L O V E car boot sales.
I picked up some absolute gems this weekend, and i spent only £14.50 in total. The price of one top in most shops.
Here are a few favourites...

Along with a denim cropped shirt, jewellery, some nike tracksuit bottoms, ankle boots, a chinese style piggy bank, some cute crockery & 2 more cardigans.
yum yum yum.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Me and the boyfriend went to Regents park last week, we fed the birds & then chased the birds ( which no normal self respecting londoner would do ) & then had a little picnic.
Got a lot of funny looks & here are a few snaps from the day. More to come when my film is developed.